About William Davis Amgen

LinkedIn_Profile_Picture_1437000185With more than 20 years of experience in marketing and sales, William Davis serves as the director of U.S. Global Marketing and Commercial Strategy Development at Amgen, Inc., located in Thousand Oaks, California. His responsibilities include creating commercial strategy, designing branding plans, and implementing marketing competency models. William Davis recently launched a new curriculum program for Amgen employees in Canada, Australia, Japan, and Europe.

He previously oversaw a sales team at Johnson & Johnson in Titusville, New Jersey. During his tenure with the global pharmaceutical company, he supervised sales for five Veterans Health Administration hospitals and two state mental health hospitals. For his consistent performance at Johnson & Johnson, he garnered several recognitions, such as the FSD District Sales Award and the President Trophy Award.

In addition to his professional experience, Mr. Davis holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from California State University, San Bernardino. During his studies, he participated in various marketing research initiatives with faculty leadership and business graduates.

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